Product Spotlight: Low Latency SRT Protocol
Product Use
SRT is an open-source protocol, developed by Haivision, which allows broadcasters and streamers to deliver high-quality, low-latency video streams across the public internet. SRT is fast becoming the de facto low latency video streaming standard in the broadcast and streaming industries.

Haivision originally introduced the technology to the industry in 2013 enabling low latency video transport across the television production and broadcast market. In April 2017, Haivision made the SRT protocol available to the world as open source technology and along with Wowza formed the SRT Alliance.
Today, more than 170 companies have endorsed the open source project by supporting the SRT Alliance – a consortium of vendors and end users working collaboratively to increase industry-wide awareness and adoption of SRT as a common standard for low-latency video transport over the internet. Highlighted SRT Alliance members include Ateme, Blonder Tongue, Brightcove, Comcast, MediaKind, Eurovision, Haivision, Harmonic, Limelight, Matrox, Microsoft, Ooyala, Sencore and Wowza. More than 50 products have come to market that feature SRT support.
Product Target Market
SRT has been adopted by industry leading open source initiatives such as: VideoLAN’s VLC, GStreamer, Wireshark and FFmpeg.
The SRT protocol is used by thousands of organizations globally in a number of applications and markets. For example, ESPN has deployed SRT-equipped devices to 14 collegiate athletic conferences that have been used to produce more than 2,200 events via low-cost internet connections, in place of using traditional satellite uplink services that would have cost $8-9 million. Microsoft has also used SRT for hundreds of professional-quality, live video productions using low-cost internet connectivity at hotels and conference centers in place of expensive leased data lines or dedicated video circuits.
Eurovision, operated by the European Broadcasting Union (one of the largest associations of national broadcasters in the world), implemented SRT as part of their video contribution service, offering European broadcasters low-latency live video and file transport using internet connections. In another example, Ericsson/MediaKind has recently adopted SRT for use in their distributed cloud contribution system that is poised to change the way that broadcasters collect and process live content.
Technical Specs
- Pristine quality: Protect against jitter, packet loss and bandwidth fluctuation, so your viewers get the best viewing experience.
- Low latency: Configurable control to deliver low latency video while overcoming network challenges.
- Firewall friendly: Establishes quality streams from event centers and unknown locations without IT involvement.
- Secure: End-to-end 128/256 bit AES encryption makes sure your content is protected from contribution to distribution.
- Open source: Wide adoption ensuring interoperability and longevity, a strategic networking partner for the top clients
This article is sponsored by Haivision.
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